Monday, November 3, 2008

Tag ~~~ by EEEEElvina

1) Do you think you're hot ?
HOt ??? im gentle and quiet 1 ...haha^^

2) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3) Why do you like that picture?
因为很多人说我的手相一看就是好命 ...哈哈。。。

4) When was the last time you ate pizza ?
few month ago gua ..forget lo ...who will remember this kind of things o ..

5) The last song you listen to ?
国境之南....the nice movie song"海角七号"

6) What are you doing right now besides this ?
write the boring tag .....hohoho

7) What name would you prefer besides yours ?
David~~why??bec investigate all of the rich ppl call david, but this name really like pasar name ...haha

People to tag .

1. Kelly DIOR= 贵妇
2. Miao Sum the talker
3. Uncle maxx the "luan shui"1
4. Elvina" xiao mei mei"
5. Judy "天边美丽的一朵云"

8) Who is number one?
kelly get a long life like 贵妇...kakakak~~

9) Number three is having a relationship with?
So mny o ~ luan luan 1 ~~ now ....i think is 1 of the junior gua ~kekeke

10) Say something about number five?
This girl ...wahhh ~ im know her bec she got a nice name ....

11) How about number four?
She o..she like Xiao Mei mei lo ~ haha ....Hope her "kuai gao zhang da"

12) Who is number two ?
My housemate ..taking Advertising design~~haha ~ after midnight he will become another person~~~haha~ask himself la ..if u really wnt to know wht happend!!!!

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